Caps for Sale! Thank you letter

Mar 9, 2013 by

Caps for Sale

Dear Ann,

Thank you so much for the wonderful puppet show held on March 1 at
Patterson Library.  We had a great turnout – 58 people in the room,
all of them spellbound.  The three performers who put on Caps for Sale
were great.  They were funny, and professional and patient!  On their
advice,  we ended up having all of the kids sit on the floor, and only
provided a few chairs for parents and grandparents.  It worked out
great, because the kids were so involved in the show that none of them
remembered to misbehave while their parents were a few rows away!
(Well, we had one boy who provided sort of a running commentary, but
the performers were not thrown off by it and eventually a parent told
him to pipe down!)

A great number of people who attended the show made a point to tell me
how much they loved it – kids and grownups alike.  We had a scout
troop attend the show as part of their work toward a badge in
performing arts, and your performers took  time with them, teaching

The puppet cast of Caps For Sale settle in for a short nap as they get ready to travel to the next show.

The puppet cast of Caps For Sale settle in for a short nap as they get ready to travel to the next show.

them how the show was put together and answering their questions.
They really go above and beyond, making the event truly a delight in
every way for everyone.

I will be sure to let all my colleagues in the area know what a great
experience we had with The Puppetree, and I hope we will be able to
bring you to the area again in the near future.


Youth Services Coordinator

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